Motivational Interviewing improved outcomes in senior housing Industry.
IFIOC has trained several senior housing companies and they have reported back improved outcomes in their communities.
Outcomes reported by Individuals within the companies
- Increased occupancy company wide
- Increased employee satisfaction
- Increased customer engagement and satisfaction
- Increased resident satisfaction
Some individuals reported training to be life changing to the culture of their community, allowing for customers to engage with team members, and creating a closer knit management team.
I think it was phenomenal. I mean, one of the best trainings I’ve ever been to, and all of my sales training history, that ability to take relational style sales one step further and really go to that level of empathy. I just think is phenomenal. I’ve never really looked at things that way. We always try to be problem solvers.
And this thing that’s great about this is you really are, but you’re just empathizing with somebody and understanding from their perspective and helping them come up with their own solutions and kind of guiding them to that is just phenomenal. And I just think staying in that neutral position with no bias or judgement.
Is is a relief actually to me as well. It just gives you a freedom where you can really engage with people and there’s no tension, but also just, I think if the whole world [00:01:00] behaved this way or we learned to have empathy for others, I just think we could get along so much better. I just think it’s a, it’s a concept that goes beyond sales.
Cross cultures, families and other types of organizations. I just think it’s phenomenal. That’s the one thing I’d recommend to anybody.
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