[00:00:00] I think the Mica been very intentionally written from my perspective to where the authors were really specifically keeping in my spirit,
trying to be tactical, but they were also is what is the person who’s coaching? What do they bring to that relationship when they’re providing coaching or coating with the Mica? And so. Tensions within the Mica tool, worked beautifully for people who are trying to model am I as they’re coaching and coding and coding.
A lot of them, I feel like it’s it doesn’t get monotonous. I’m certainly tapping into those details, but it’s more on the, how do I feel about this session? What are my reactions to it? And then going deeper from there. And it’s quick, it’s quicker. Where it’s less like, oh, I have to read through everything to find which one matches.
And so in that way, it doesn’t get so [00:01:00] tiresome. So I get to do more and I come away from it feeling more refreshed, more mindful, more on the moment, which really supports that, that coach side of your brain being able to go from, from, you know, coding in that’s with that sort of mentality, to being able to coach with that sort of mentality.
So kind of all around supporting that the M I spirit. So I, I just feel like it’s a really great tool to code them, but also to coach them and work with someone. And I feel like it’s really emphasizing your mic skills for all parties. I feel like a lot of work went into it on who was going to use it, who was the audience, and it feels like that’s kind of been delivered in the tool.
And so I tend to work with a lot of folks who don’t have time for 20 minute. And the Mica is the best solution for me as the person who’s working with groups, one where it’s hard for them to sell it with their staff who don’t have 20 minute conversations. And when I’m [00:02:00] used other tools and trying to get the staff to do audio submit audio is where they got to do 20 minute conversations.
It often lends to a lot of resistance. Not, not resistance to my mind, but to that process of needing to code 20 minute tapes, that can be a sticking point for a lot of professionals to even get out of the gate, to submit tapes. And we know that submitting tapes, the research is behind that. That’s where people get better at doing in mind. So having a tool that really doesn’t even require that to that, that, uh, doesn’t even get to that tension. It’s amazing. So we could be working with folks who within corrections systems, social workers, um, healthcare, where a five, eight minute conversation may be more of a, of their natural tendency. And so the Mica works specifically for those types of groups
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