The MI Plus+ membership is for those invested in raising their skill level. This membership is all about creating opportunities to listen, learn and practice on your own, AND join live events with both Casey and John.
What’s in MI Plus +?
LIVE events twice a month
- Mini MI training with John
- Webcast with Casey for Q & A and “MI” discussion
Motivational Interviewing Library 30+ hours of content
Micro Courses
Take our 10 minute or less micro courses to expand your knowledge on specific Motivational Interviewing topics or concepts. Each micro course comes with a training video and an opportunity for you to practice!
New Netflix style library
Explore Video content by your favorite topics:
- Engage, Focus, Plan
- Stages of Change
- Evocative open ended questions
- Partnering & problem solving
- Empathy
- Strategic Reflective listening
- Affirmations
- Types of talk
- Focus mountain/Values
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