[00:00:00] I think the Mica been very intentionally written from my perspective to where the authors … [Read more...] about Introducing MICA transcript
MICA for coder
Coder Have you already taken the MICA course and you want to code audio tapes for your own agency … [Read more...] about MICA for coder
MICA for Agencies
Agency Have you trained with the IFIOC team and are looking for long term sustainability? The … [Read more...] about MICA for Agencies
MICA for Individuals
Individual If you want to challenge your own skills, grow in your communication methods and … [Read more...] about MICA for Individuals
MICA coding
What is MICA coding? MICA stands for Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment. It's a … [Read more...] about MICA coding
Webcast with Casey-November 2021
Hello! We would LOVE to have you join the webcast with Casey this month! This is the zoom … [Read more...] about Webcast with Casey-November 2021